Energy Project Services
Services in this arena include whole-facility, thermal and power production, and distribution energy modeling, energy benchmarking, EPA Energy Star analysis, volumetric assessments for aggregation and demand management, energy conservation measurements (ECM) development and analysis. Our analysts utilize the latest technologies and modeling software including eQuest, EnergyPlus, Trace and other systems-specific tools.

Environmental Air & H2O Services
We evaluate the environmental impact of process changes in production and operations improvements on such things as water treatment facilities, emissions, electricity usage and much more. Air quality: NSR, NSPS, PSD, SIP, MACT and Title V. Negotiate environmental compliance and permitting issues, including NOVs and NOEs. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), environmental management, audit and due diligence, Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) management, resources and waste management, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Water Quality and Waste Resources.

LEED, Conservation & GHG Management
Carbon management and foot printing, GHG emissions, lifecycle-based carbon and resource modeling. We provide LEED EAc1 assessments as well as supply documentation review for LEED certification projects. We support our clients by establishing LEED application goals, finding minimum program requirements (MPRs), defining the LEED scope and continuing the discovery phase.

Reclamation, Treatment & Reuse
Bocci provides consulting to identify and develop technical strategies for water reclamation, treatment, reuse, reinjection, waste water reduction and emissions quality optimization. Pinch assessments and waste reduction and reuse are also offered.

Renewable & Alternative Energy Technologies
Bocci performs technology application reviews, development and turn-key implementation services. Bocci can also supply technologies such as Solar PV, Solar thermal and wind through our strategic partner Bluenergy Solarwind. Bocci has exceptional experience with developing integrated energy solutions, including Demand Response (DR), Distributed Generation (DG), Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Co-Gen and Smart Grid. Bocci uses the latest modeling software, builds custom models and has in-house screening and detailed CHP simulation tools for the most complex energy and environmental integrated applications.

Social & Community Sustainability Consulting
Bocci Social Sustainability Services is based on the concept of shared value. Shared value is a competitive strategy that says that companies will succeed when they find ways to create social value at the same time that they create economic value for themselves and their shareholders. This approach presents a whole set of opportunities for new products, new markets, new ways of doing business that enable companies to strengthen the communities in which they operate and, as a result, become stronger companies themselves. Our sustainability consultants develop innovative, practical and inclusive business models that factor the social and environmental consequences of companies activities into their core strategy and operation for new development in disengaged communities.

Bocci provides construction monitoring, system measurement, testing oversight and rebalancing for equipment, controls, utilities, processes and facilities to ensure clients adherence to regulations, codes, specifications, and operating performance and maintenance protocols. Our retro-commissioning service is a retuning program that returns systems back into tolerance as well as improves operations and reduces costs.